Anastasiya Quimby MD DDS


Dr. Anastasiya Quimby is a fellowship trained head and neck oncology and microvascular reconstruction surgeon. She currently holds a position of assistant professor and director of microvascular surgery program at NOVA Southeastern University College of Dentistry. Dr. Quimby completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago and graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor’s in Biologic Science. She then completed her Doctorate of Dental Surgery degree at University of Illinois at Chicago, graduating number one in her class. She decided to pursue residency in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and matched in to her number one choice, University of Florida in Jacksonville combined medical degree 6-year residency program. She graduated with a Medical Doctorate degree from University of Florida in 2017 and completed her residency in 2019. During her residency she published numerous papers in peer reviewed journals, contributed book chapters and presented at national and international conferences. In her residency she developed interest in head and neck oncologic and microvascular reconstructive surgery. She was also the first female to be accepted into University of Florida Jacksonville head and neck oncology and microvascular reconstruction fellowship headed by Dr. Rui Fernandes. She then successfully completed the fellowship in June of 2020. At this time, she serves on editorial board of the Journal of Diagnostics and Treatment of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, reviewer for Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Craniomaxillofacial Trauma and Reconstruction Journal, and Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Cases. Additionally, she is an editor of the Clinics of North America Perspective on Zygomatic Implants issue, which is scheduled for print in September 2021. She is the developer and editor of Complex Head and Neck Microvascular Surgery – Comprehensive Management and Perioperative Care which is scheduled for print in Spring of 2022.
Dr. Quimby is dedicated to provide excellent care to the head and neck cancer patients.

Region / Country
USA / Canada
University/Institution/Affiliation/Private Practice
Nova Southeastern University
Mailing Address
405 NE 2nd st , Apt 2505, Fort Lauderdale FL 33301
Career Level
<10 Years Post Training
Name of residency program where you trained:
University of Florida, Jacksonville
Speaking Experience (limit to your top 20 speaking experiences max)

Presented at the following:
April 2021: Gilda’s Club of South Florida: Oral Cancer Awareness, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
April 2021: Reconstructive Options for Patients with Advanced Oral and Oropharyngeal Cancer, Specialty Series Broward Health Medical Center, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
November 2019: Parathyroid Carcinoma Overview and Case Presentation, Thyroid Multidisciplinary Tumor Board, University of Florida Health, Jacksonville, Florida
May 2019: “Cheek Defect Reconstruction: University of Florida Jacksonville Experience” AACMFS, San Antonio, Texas
May 2019: “Intro Operative Mean Arterial Pressure: Does it Matter in free Tissue Transfer?” AACMFS, San Antonio, Texas
September 2018: Immediate Reconstruction and Dental Rehabilitation of Maxillofacial Defect 24th Congress of European Association for Cranio Maxillo Facial Surgery, Munich, Germany
September 2018: “Novel Scalp Classification System” 24th Congress of the European Association for Cranio Maxillo Facial Surgery, Munich, Germany
April 2018: “Surgical Repair of Dog Bites Based on Esthetic Considerations: UF Jacksonville Level I Trauma Center and Wolfson’s Children’s Hospital Experience”, ACOMS 39th Annual Scientific Conference & JKOMSF Pearls VII Meeting, New Orleans, LA

Service to Boards, Committees, Professional Organizations, Honors, & Awards

July 2020- present Director of Microvascular Surgery Program, Director of Clinical Research, Member of Anesthesia Committee NOVA Southeastern University
July 2020- present Editorial Board Member Journal of Diagnostics and Treatment of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
July 2018- July 2019 Surgical Performance Improvement Committee, University of Florida, College of Medicine-Jacksonville, Jacksonville, Florida
July 2017- July 2019 Research Advisory Council University of Florida Health Science Center, College of Medicine – Jacksonville, Jacksonville, Florida

Academic Appointments

July 2020 Associate Professor Nova Southeastern University, College of Dentistry, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

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