Leslie r Halpern, DDS,MD,PHD,MPH, FACS, FICD


Leslie R. Halpern,
DDS, MD, PhD, MPH, FACS, Professor, Section Head, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
University of Utah, School of Dentistry

Dr. Leslie Halpern received her PhD in Neuroendocrinology (City University of NY), a DDS (NYU College of Dentistry), and completed a 6 year Oral Maxillofacial Surgery (OMFS) Program with an MD degree from New York Medical College. She has done several fellowships in basic and applied research, and obtained an MPH from the Harvard School of Public Health. Dr Halpern is a Diplomate of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and the International College of Dentists. She has received several Grants from the RWJF Center of Health Policy and the Harvard University Center of Excellence in Women’s Health that focuses on the identification of victims of Intimate Partner violence (IPV) using salivary biomarkers as risk predictors in the prognosis of health disparities in female victims exposed to violence and abuse and has published several papers in peer-reviewed journals (Area of expertise). She currently serves as Professor and Section Head of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the University of Utah School Of Dentistry and is Co-director of the Office of Women in Health, Science and Medicine (WiHMS) at the University of Utah Medical Campus. Her mentoring of students, dental residents and program directorship experience qualifies Dr. Halpern as an essential resource for Women faculty in OMFS.

Region / Country
USA / Canada
University/Institution/Affiliation/Private Practice
University of Utah School of Dentistry and University of Utah Medical Center and Primary Children's Hospital
Mailing Address
University of Utah School of Dentistry 530 A Wakara Way Salt Lake City, Utah 84108
Career Level
>10 Years Post Training
Name of residency program where you trained:
Lincoln Hospital and Mental Health Center 249 East 149 St Bronx, New York
Speaking Experience (limit to your top 20 speaking experiences max)

19.7/24/2014: Guest lecturer, University of Texas, HSC, Houston (UTHSC), School of Dentistry.
Educating Oral Healthcare Physicians: The evolution of a paradigm shift.

20. 9/19/2014, Guest panelist: 5th ADEA International Women’s Health Initiative:
Barcelona, Spain, September 14-16th.2014.: Gender and Oral health

21. 12/10/2014: Keynote speaker. Massachusetts Medical and Dental Societies Joint Meeting:
Trauma-informed Care: The effect of trauma exposure on the lifespan of victims. Waltham, MA.

22. 4/1/2015: Guest lecturer, Grand rounds, Department of Internal Medicine, Me harry Medical
College: Trauma informed care for victims of intimate partner violence: A new paradigm.

23. 8/29/15: Guest Speaker/moderator, TN Society of Oral/Maxillofacial Surge (TSOMS): Me
harry Medical College Residency presentation: Unusual pathology in a community hospital
setting Summit Hospital, Hermitage, TN

24. 10/2/2015: Guest Judge/Abstract Moderator: 97th Annual Meeting of the American Association of
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) Joint Meeting with the Canadian Society of OMFS,
Washington, DC.

25. 3/29/16: Guest Speaker/Panelist. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Center for Health
Policy, me harry Medical College: Building a culture of health through transdisciplinary health
Disparities Research, Cal Turner Conference Center, Nashville, TN.

26. 1/17/17: RTRN Cardiovascular and Related disease Cluster: Guest Speaker, Webinar:
Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Cardiovascular Disease (CVD): Is there a correlation?

27. 4/9/2018: Halpern LR. Moderator: Advancing Sex and Gender Education Through
Interprofessional Education (IPE). Sex and Gender Education Summit, University of Utah,
SLC, Utah, 4/8/2017-4/10/2017. (CE given).

28. 5/24/2018: Halpern LR: SCOPE RADIO: UNIV Utah Health: Mental Trauma May Impact your
Physical Health. Interview by Dr. K jones, MD .University of Utah to L. Halpern

29. 9/24/18; 10/30/18: Halpern, LR: ADEA WEBINARs; American Dental Education
Association: Two Webinars:
1. 9/24/19:Identification of victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) in the oral healthcare
Arena. (CE given)
30. 10/30/19: Tools for educating the Dental Healthcare student/practitioner nationally. (CE given)

31. 01/28/2019: Guest Speaker: University of Utah: Economic Research Development
Council: Intimate Partner violence and Oral Healthcare: A global epidemic in our backyard.

32. 04/29/19: Guest Speaker, University of Utah School of Dentistry: Skills assessment
Bystander Training. The identification of Victims of Intimate Partner Violence Healthcare
Dilemma (CE given)

33. 09/27/19: Guest Speaker, American Association of Women Dentists AAWD): Managing the
Osteonecrosis at risk patient: MRONJ: Annual meeting, 9/26/-9/28/19, Phoenix, AZ.(CE given)

34. 03/27/2020: Guest speaker, Utah Dental Association Annual Meeting: Intimate Partner
violence And Oral Healthcare: A global epidemic in our backyard. .March 27, 2020; Salt Lake
City, Utah (CEgiven). Course given virtually on 5/28/20 at the UDA again for CE.

35 09/11/20-09/13/20: Facilitator for Workshops in the 3rd Sex and Gender in Health Education
Summit , Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, PA, virtual symposium (CE given)

36. 10/13/20: Guest presenter for Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Eccles Library, Univ
Utah:: Health consequences as a result of intimate partner violence.

37. 10/22/20: Guest on Radio interview on KBER101: Domestic violence awareness month

38. 10/22/20: Guest panelist: Gender, Addiction, Victims of Violence : Violence in Healthcare.
Gender Based Violence Consortium (GBVC) , University of Utah: Webinar: CE given.

39. 11/4/20: Guest panelist: MEDiversity Panel: Lifting women faculty in the health sciences.
University of Utah Office of Equity, Diversity and inclusion Webinar, Nov 4th 2020.

40. 01/20/21: Guest speaker: Mentoring strategies for female faculty: WiHMS Webinar:
University of Utah Health, January 20, 2021.

Service to Boards, Committees, Professional Organizations, Honors, & Awards

2009-2010 Rep from HSDM Joint Committee on the Status of Women at HMS/HSDM
6/12-present Accreditation committee/Implant committee me harry Medical College School Dentistry (MMC SOD), Nashville TN
10/2013-present Chairman; Continuing Education/Lifelong Learning Committee, CDEAP ME harry Medical College School of Dentistry, TN.
11/2013-present Admissions Committee, I harry Medical College School of Dentistry, Nashville, TN.
3/30/15- present AAOMS Liaison to the National Council on Violence and Abuse
10/01/15- 4/1/2018 AAOMS Committee, Patient Assessment: Parameters of Care, 6th edition
04/2017- 4/2018 Scientific Planning Committee, 2nd Sex and Gender Summit, University of Utah, Medical/ Health Campus, SLC; 4/8/18-4/10/18
04/01/2017-6/30/19 School of Dentistry Liaison, Commission on Clinical Innovation, American Dental Education Association (ADEA)
01/01/2018-present Co-director Office of Women in Health Medicine and Science, (WIHMS) University of Utah Medical Campus (UHEALTH)
09/01/2019-present Academic Senate, University of Utah: Representative from the School of Dentistry, University of Utah
03/2020-present Vice President, Omicron Kappa Upsilon, Dental honor Society (OKU) Chapter, Univ Utah School of Dentistry, Salt Lake city, UT
07/01/2020- present AAOMS Committee, Patient Assessment: Parameters of Care,
7 th edition
10/2019-present Scientific Planning Committee, 3rd Sex and Gender Summit, Jefferson Medical/ Health Campus,, PA; 9/11/20- 9/13/20
01/26/21- present Academic Senate Subcommittee on Personnel and Senate Elections, University of Utah

1990 Omicron Kappa Upsilon (OKU) Dental Honor Society, New York University
1990 Who’s Who among Young Rising Americans
1990 American Academy of Oral Medicine Certificate for Outstanding Achievement in
Oral Medicine, New York University, College of Dentistry
1997 Research Fellowship, Robert Christensen Foundation for the Study of
Temporomandibular Disorders, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
1997 Honorarium: MEDED: Parke- Davis Program on Anti-epileptic Drugs
2000 Harvard University Training Grant for Professional Students in Oral Health
Clinical Trials
2000-2002 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Foundation Fellowship in Clinical Investigation, Massachusetts General Hospital (TB Dodson, PI)
2003 First Prize; Abstract Presentation, 85th Annual Meeting of the American
Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons and Canadian Association of Oral
And Maxillofacial Surgeons, Orlando, Florida, 2003.
2003 Recipient, Unsung Heroes Award for Domestic Violence of the HAVEN (Help
End Abuse and Violence Now) Group of the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, 2003
2004 Poster of Distinction Award: A diagnostic protocol for intimate partner violence (IPV): Scientific Research Committee (SAC) Massachusetts General Hospital Feb 2004.
2007: BOSTON GLOBE, August, 2007: Health Section: Meeting the Minds: She uses dentistry to fight violence and abuse.
2007 Recipient of the national TIMOTHY WHITE Take a Stand Award from RESPOND, INC of MA for the contribution of research in the field of violence and abuse at the local, community, and national level.
2012 Health Policy Associate: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: Me harry Medical College
2013 First Prize Medal: Me harry Medical College Research Day, 2013: The Effect of MSX1
And MSX2 Concentrations in the Orthodontic Treatment of Type 2 Diabetic Patients: A
Systematic Review.
2013 America’s Best Dentists: Leslie Halpern, MD, DDS, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
2014 First Prize Medal: Me harry Medical College Research Day, 2014: Violence and abuse
Across the Lifespan: Correlation among facial injuries biomarkers and health disparities;
A Systematic Review.
2015: Third Prize Medal: Me harry Medical College Research Day: An association among IPV,
Facial injuries and health disparities in victims seen at a dental center.

Academic Appointments

Academic Appointments:
7/01- 6/2010 Assistant Clinical Department of OMFS, Massachusetts General Hospital
Professor Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA
6/12- 3/2017 Associate Professor Program Director, Residency, OMFS: Meharry Medical
College, Nashville, Tennessee
4/17-present Professor University of Utah School of Dentistry
4/17-present Section Head OMFS University of Utah School of Dentistry

Hospital or Affiliated Institutional Appointments:
4/13-3/2017 Staff Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Baptist/St Thomas Hospital, Nashville, TN
7/13 –3/2017 Staff Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Centennial Medical Center, Nashville, TN
7/13- 3/2017 Staff Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Nashville General Hospital, Nashville, TN
4/17-present Staff Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon University of Utah Med CTR SLC, Utah
7/17-present Staff Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Primary Children’s Hospital SLC, Utah

Hospital and Health Care Organization Service Responsibilities:
3/02-3/06 Director of Dental Education, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, GPR
General Practice Dental Residency Windsor Street Dental Center and
Cambridge Health Alliance, Cambridge MA
3/05-6/2011 Oversight Committee, Dental Practice Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates,
Braintree, MA
9/2013- 3/2017 Medicare Advisory Committee (CAC) TN Society of OMFS (TSOMS), TN
7/2014- present OR Committee Nashville General Hospital, Nashville, TN
8/2015- present Quality Assurance/Comply, Comma Meharry Medical College, Nashville, TN
04/2017-present Executive Council Committee member University of Utah School of Dentistry
1/01/2018-present: Co-chair Office of Women in Health,
Medicine and Science (WiHMS) University of Utah Medical Campus
4/1/17-present Section Head, OMFS University of Utah, and School of
5/1/2017-present Committee UTIP, Human Traffic. University of Utah, School of Dentistry
3/6/20-present COVID 19 Task Force Committee University of Utah, School of Dentistry

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